The Pymatuning Area Youth Organization (PAYO) is a group of volunteers headed by a Board of Directors, as voted in annually.
Do you have a question for a PAYO Board Member? Please read
A Parent's Guide to PAYO to help answer many of the most frequently asked questions for our league.
The current PAYO Board is made up of the following individuals:
President - Brett Grabman
Vice President - Bill Hayes
Treasurer - Kevin & Bri Dearwester
Secretary - Sabrina Creed
Events Coordinator - Nikki Rossman
Umpire-in-Chief - Kraig Suter
Information Officer - Luke Jernigan
Safety Officer - Lindsey Dzura
Player Agent - Justin Drapp
Operations Manager - Cody Paul
Equipment Manager -
OPENField Manager -
OPENDirector of Concessions -
OPEN Local Andover Reps - Rob Wludyga