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Feb, 2022

A Parent's Guide to PAYO

The Pymatuning Area Youth Organization (PAYO) is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors and oversees youth baseball and softball in the Andover area. The current list of PAYO officers can be found on our Website. The following is a guide for Parents or Guardians to better understand how our organization works and what to expect for each season.

Each year approximately 200 children participate in PAYO baseball and softball across 20+ teams which include 50+ volunteers. This means there are a lot of moving parts which we are responsible for and we take care in looking at all variables each season.


Official practices are allowed to begin on April 1 of each calendar year as this is when the PAYO insurance kicks in through Little League. Some high-energy coaches may take advantage of nice days in March for “unofficial” practices. These are NOT mandatory nor are they covered by the PAYO insurance and are at the players’ own risk. While normal practices can begin April 1, with the weather we face in Northeast Ohio and the fact that the coaches are volunteers with busy lives, many teams may not start practices until mid-April.

PAYO Calendar

All PAYO teams at the Majors level and higher (Minors and higher in softball) are part of Ohio Little League District 1 and our calendar is reliant on other entities to dictate schedules for the season. While every year may not always be the same, we have in the past also worked with JAGS in specific softball divisions to schedule our Coach Pitch teams as well.

Most PAYO games take place in a range of May 1 through June 20 with T-Ball starting later and teams with District schedules beginning in early May. For 2023, Opening Day ceremonies are scheduled for May 6th.


Each PAYO team will get their very own uniform, many of which with a custom set of colors and logos designed specifically for PAYO. Baseball teams can expect to get a hat and jersey while Softball teams often get a jersey and socks as their uniform pieces. Girls do not get hats or visors as the face masks we recommend do not work well with headwear of any kind.


PAYO coaches are unpaid volunteers, each with their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Not every coach enters their season with the intention of being a head coach, so when you see an opportunity to help it is best to simply ask the coach. Some coaches may be very instructional or competitive while others are highly encouraging and positive. The common denominator is we are all unpaid volunteers who want to help your child improve their baseball or softball skills.

Games & Rules

Home games are held at the Rec Park in Andover or the Ohio Avenue field for most divisions, or the Pymatuning Valley High School fields for Junior & Senior leagues. Once players reach the Minors division in softball) or the Majors in baseball, away games will also be scheduled against other District 1 teams in the region.

Rules are determined by Little League and parents can reference the Little League Rulebook app on their phone. While this app may cost a few bucks, it is a nice thing to have for those planning to play for years to come.


All parents/guardians/guests are expected to treat others with respect. This includes the coaches (who are volunteers), umpires, players, families and guests of others and any PAYO or District Officials. This is reflected in the PAYO Code of Conduct.

It is requested that all parents volunteer in the concession stand at least 1-2 times each season. The concessions help us pay for umpires at the higher levels which make for a more organized and professional sporting experience as the kids improve upon their baseball/softball skills.


At the end of the regular season, typically in mid to late June, talk of All-Stars will begin. Being an All-Star is meant to be celebrated and not an opportunity for parents to chastise the coaches, PAYO, or other players. All-Stars are selected in a variety of ways by the coaches in each division and may or may not include a physical tryout. Note that we are working on creating a more specific process for determining All-Stars in PAYO, so your patience is appreciated.

Also note that those selected for All-Stars will need to provide and/or sign paperwork proving school attendance, residency and more. In addition, the child’s original birth certificate or a notarized copy will be required by Little League to participate.

Fall Ball

Fall softball debuted in 2021 and has had two strong years of development for our girls, but it is not an annual occurrence. PAYO may or may not have the personnel to run a Fall Baseball or Softball league in future years.

How can I Register?
Register your child online here at Simply login to your account and you will see the available programs for your child or children.

Updated 02.06.23

Local Sponsors

Pymatuning Valley Little League

Pymatuning Valley Little League, PO Box 562
Andover, Ohio 44003

Email: [email protected]

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